By Spramani Elaun – Art Teacher
So today I want to share some general information and resources to get you started teaching drawing. How-to drawing lessons are generally done by making lines, shapes and textures. Drawing is one of the areas of visual arts you can teach your students. Drawing is exciting for elementary students.

Benefits to Teaching Drawing
Drawing supports related academics like creative writing, math and science. You can give your students drawing prompts along with any academic subject. Children that draw, observe and problem-solve much better too! Children learn better when they can draw and diagram information rather than just writing letters. Drawing is relaxing and a calming activity that helps reduce stress. And lastly, the more children draw the better they get at penmanship!
With the right drawing resources, anyone can teach their students to draw. You don’t need to know how to draw well yourself. The best part is you don’t need much to get started teaching elementary students. Basic supplies are all you will need.

Drawing Materials
Choosing the right materials is easy once you understand what you need. Here are just a few drawing supplies you can quickly get started with:
1. Graphite Pencils: Look for pencils that are labeled “HB ”, which stands for (H) hard and ( B)soft. You will want to stick with soft drawing pencils labeled B. B soft pencils are usually B3, B4, B5 or B6. These are the easiest pencils to draw with and easy for children to erase lines.
3. Crayons: crayons are easy to use and color large areas. They are also very economical and easy to find.

2. Color Pencils: Color pencils can make drawings vibrant. Select natural colors like; red, yellow, orange, green, brown, blue, violet and black.
3. Erasers: Erasers can help your child make mistakes without ruining their drawing. Stick with a light colored eraser like white. White erasers don’t leave any color marks on the paper.
4. Drawing Paper: White uncoated paper works best. Loose or in a sketchbook. Smooth papers work best and offer more control while sketching and coloring.
I do recommend in all my art books that children should be learning to draw by drawing the things that they know well and are learning about in the classroom. So start with looking at the subject matter you are teaching already!
7 drawing lessons
- How to draw different lines
- How to draw different shapes
- How to create different textures
- How to design a pattern
- How to create different tones with your pencil
- How to draw outlines of simple objects
- Draw their favorite cartoon character
If you’d like to learn more about teaching drawing lessons check out my resources below.

Buy Drawing Lesson – Curriculum
Buy my full drawing curriculum for elementary grades here!