In this blog I want to educate you on the differences between washable and non-washable kids paints. Knowing these tips will help you pick the right paint for all your project needs. I’m also going to share one of my tips on how to check if paints are truly washable. You can also learn more kids paint advice in my painting books and curriculum.

Washable paint
Ok, so washable paint is designed to wash easily off skin, fabrics, surfaces and walls. These types of paints don’t bind to surfaces permanently. Generally, washable paints are not long-lasting, or archival. These paints give your child the opportunity to have a painting experience, not long-lasting archival artworks. Some washable paints disappear from paper after time. Unless the label says washable, I would treat all paint as semi-permanent.
Non-washable paint
Non washable paint is designed to have sticking power! These types of paints have binders and pigments meant to stain and last long. Non-washable paints can adhere to a canvas, fabrics and paper products. Most non-washable paints will have long-lasting effects and archive well.

How to test paints
A great way to truly know if paint is washable or non-washable is to test it out ahead of time! You can cut a small piece of paper or light fabric and paint on it. Let it completely dry. Try to wash the paint out or see how the paint dries on a surface. You will then know if the paint’s claim is true. This is how I test paints I’m trying to achieve temporary or long-term effects.
If you would like to learn how to paint with kids, set-up for painting, and all about paints for art projects, you can purchase my books HERE
Art instructor– Spramani Elaun

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