By Spramani Elaun
Yay Earth Day is Near!
Here’s some art making tips you may not have known. Listed below are items you should try NOT to buy new for art making.
Toilet Paper Rolls
Toilet paper rolls are made from paper so it’s easy to add them into your normal recycling or repurpose for kids art projects!
Here’s a couple of fun projects you can make with paper rolls Make Recycled Shark Project Click Here!,
Make 3 Kings Paper Rolls by Red Ted Art Click Here, How to make a minion toilet paper roll video click here.
Save on buying new paper rolls and save trees.
Plastic Straws
Americans use 500 million drinking straws per day Ooch!
And most straws never get recycled properly.
Try Not to buy them new for crafting and art projects. Instead save as many used ones for future art making.
What kids can make with straws click here.
Aluminum Foil
Try Not to use new aluminum foil in your art making projects, replace with recycled aluminum foil scraps or replace with other types of coated papers.
Aluminum foil can take up to 400 years to biodegrade if in the right conditions.
Be eco and recycle old aluminum by washing and drying out for future use.
Shaving Cream
I see these cute art projects in blog post on Pinterest all the time and wonder if these bloggers have ever read the back of a common shaving cream can.
Please try Not to use shaving cream with toddler art projects. A toddlers immune system is not as strong as adults to combat harsh ingredients.
Most shaving cream products are made with ingredients not safe for a toddler to swallow.
Shaving cream cans typically end up in the landfill and yes these cans can be properly recycled!
Skip saving cream for toddler art projects and buy safe finger paint which is common and found easily here in the U.S. Finger paints are certified non-toxic and safer for young kids.
Skip it!
5 things people often forget to recycle!
Free Coloring Page provided by: Colour Blocks® Handcrafted Recycled Crayons – Click Here
Be earth-friendly and try to recycle as much as you can!
My 5 top Earth Day painting Projects For Kids – Click Here!
Spramani Elaun is an American earth-friendly art teacher and the author of Nurturing Children In The Visual Arts Naturally©.
A Short Cut Just for You
If you’d like to learn more about all getting kids painting, read my book, Kids Painting.

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