Why Drawing Tools Make you draw better
When we introduce young learners to professional art tools, it can boost their drawing abilities. In this blog, I’ll suggest some drawing tools for students to experiment with. These tools are great for drawing circles and straight lines more effectively, making students feel more artistic. Check out the video below where I demonstrate these tools, showing how they are used and the benefits they offer. Watch the demo on this page to discover these essential art tools. Let’s now explore the drawing tools that elementary grades can use to improve their drawing skills.
As a professional artist and graphic designer, I’ve used these tools extensively. While there are many other tools artists use, I recommend these basics for elementary grades. I encourage making them accessible for kids to explore and try out as they work exceptionally well for elementary levels. Even though I’ve used these tools with early childhood students, I’ve seen younger kids effectively utilize them, creating precise circles and lines. These tools can help artists draw more accurately and make your drawing classes more engaging by having these tools readily available.

Where to buy drawing tools
You can find most of these drawing tools and drawing mediums at my art school website: Store.ecokidsart.com. I recommend trying one at a time. Once your they master one tool, then introduce another art tool. You will see their drawings become more interesting. Plus, you will see your students making more art!
Elementary Drawing Tools:
- Eraser
- Pencil Sharpener
- Ruler
- Triangle
- Magnifying Glass
- Compass
- Shape Templates
For a reliable eraser, I recommend a white rubber eraser to avoid leaving any colors behind. Stick with white erasers to prevent color transfer. It’s useful to designate specific erasers for art to keep them separate from other classes like math or writing.
Artist Kneading Eraser
This professional eraser is malleable and leaves no eraser particles behind. Artists use it for precision erasing without smudging nearby elements.
To achieve crisp, clean lines, keep your pencils sharp using stainless steel sharpeners. These ensure precision for drawing various pencil types, such as color pencils and standard drawing
Artists use rulers for precise measurements and straight lines in their artwork. Rulers help maintain accuracy and consistency in drawings, especially when creating geometric shapes.
Magnifying Glass Tool
Handy for closer inspection of details in nature or drawings, a magnifying glass helps kids observe and understand elements better, making it a valuable addition to your drawing supplies.
Triangle Tool A triangle is great for drawing perfect angles needed for shapes like houses or squares. Its versatility ensures accurate angles no matter how you position it on your drawing.
Compass Tool (Circles) Instead of traditional compasses, try a modern circle-drawing tool for easy and precise circles in your artwork. These tools are user-friendly and perfect for creating circles effortlessly.
Shape Templates
Templates are handy for design work and creating quick shapes like logos or other designs. They offer versatility and are fun to use, allowing for creative and efficient design work in your drawing class.

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