Category: Recent Blog Post

Kids Autumn & Fall Painting Art Projects + Halloween

a Autumn & Fall Painting I’m so excited to share some of my traditional American holiday art projects. I’m going to share some of my favorite fall art activities with links, and then I’m going to share some art supplies I use in my classes. Autumn is my favorite season! Different Paint Projects p p New […]

8 Strategies | Supporting Kids Art Doodles & Paintings

In my book “Nurturing Children in The Visual Arts Naturally,” I recount a humorous anecdote. About the day my five-year-old son excitedly showed me his peculiar doodles. It has taken me two decades to grasp the developmental stages children undergo in learning to draw and paint. My challenge as both a professional artist and art […]

Painting | Ocean Water | Map Techniques

Making water marks Here are eight different ocean water art techniques you can teach kids. These textures can make water maps interesting textures. These textures can also create ocean water marks around landforms. These painting lessons are great for all ages. Elementary children can do most steps independently. Rather than painting water basic blue, use […]