Are you looking for art teaching resources? Are you interested in art teaching for children? Do you teach early childhood or elementary kids? Then I’ve got some great books and guides you can start with. Are you frustrated and don’t know what exactly you need to start with, or what the art standards cover? I’ve written Multiple Art Books to help get you started teaching.
Here are several art teaching book guides and curriculums that can get you started in the right direction. My name is Spramani Elaun I’m an International Art Teacher trainer for many pedagogy like public school, Montessori, Reggio, and Waldorf. I’ve taught tens of thousands of children how to paint and draw. Below are what I call art teaching 101 things you need to start with.

Visual Arts Education
To understand the essential components of a visual arts education, begin with the book ‘Defining Visual Arts,’ available in paperback or digital format. Learn the art domains you can teach. Next, learn the significance of Art Elements and Principles of Design, these are foundational concepts taught in visual arts that structure art lessons. I have authored numerous books covering a wide range of visual art topics here:
- Kids Painting – Book
- Kids Color Theoy – Book
- Early Childhood Art Guide – Book
- Nurturing Arts Naturally – Book
- Clay Play – Book
- Introducing Visual Arts to The Monessori Classroomv– Book
- Defining Visual Arts – Book
Free Blog Resources
After grasping the fundamentals of Art Teaching 101, you can determine the specific domain area you wish to focus on. Explore a variety of free blogs to enhance your familiarity with visual art topics for teaching children.
- EcoKidsArt.com: Offers a wide selection of over 300 art topics.
- Montessori-art.com: Features around 100 topics related to visual arts.
These blogs cover a range of topics, including the best art supplies, lessons, setups, and practices to enrich your teaching experience. Happy reading and exploring!

Art curriculums
Our art curriculum meets national arts standards for children. It focuses on teaching the Elements and Principles of Design using the Science Art Method™, a step-by-step approach. With our prepared lessons, you can easily schedule them weekly, biweekly, or monthly, saving you valuable time. This curriculum great for early childhood and elementary grades. These lessons cover fundamental art elements, making them ideal for all children to begin with. The best part? You don’t need to be an artist yourself to effectively teach these lessons!
You can order two versions of this drawing curriculum for both early childhood or elementary grades. The elementary drawing curriculum is 41 sequential drawing lessons.
Drawing – Elementary 41 Lessons ORDER HERE
Painting – Elementary 57 Lessons ORDER HERE
Color Theory – 37 Lessons curriculum ORDER HERE
Curriculum Publisher: Nature of Art®
Art Teaching 101

Art Teaching Training Course
You know visual art education is valuable, however you might not know where to even start—no one taught you about art curriculum or how kids really learn art.
• Do you dream of having organized art lessons?
• Desire for your students to have work that leads to creative thinking?
•Need time saving and less stress??
training just for you!

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No part of this blog may be used or be reproduced in any manner whatsoever including reproducing, publishing, performing, and making any adaptions of the work – including translation into another foreign language without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Nature of Art® Publishing P.O. Box 443 Solana Beach, California 92075.