By Spramani Elaun – Art Teacher

Are you looking for the best drawing and painting curriculum for teaching children? Art lessons that are step-by-step and sequential? You have come to the right place! These are the best curriculums can save you time! You can schedule art lessons weekly, biweekly or even monthly! Children love these fun lessons. This art curriculum for children covers many topics like painting & drawing, color theory, clay modeling and crafting. Art Curriculum Children | Painting & Drawing. Best Curriculum, Painting & Drawing For Children
Sequential Curriculums
Hi, I’m an artist, homeschool parent, art teacher and art curriculum developer for children. I’ve spent the last few decades teaching thousands of children through my art studio. Like you, when I first started out I didn’t know where to start teaching even though I went to fine art school! I didn’t know what art lessons to start with, what area to focus on, or how to teach the art standards. Plus I couldn’t find any drawing or painting sequential curriculum that scaffold for children advancement.

Art Curriculum Developer
These Drawing & Painting Lessons Scaffold
I became stressed and overwhelmed, I usually had to backtrack art lessons. Therefore I would later find out my students needed to understand a step better before we moved to the next step. Meanwhile, I bought tons of art books, researched libraries and the web for hundreds of hours looking for children’s art curriculum ideas. My deepest desire was that my students had fun art experiences that lead to creativity. Honestly, some of my students hated certain art lessons I presented to them. I made things harder than they needed to be, and without realizing I took away creative choices.

Where to buy art curriculum for children
Things finally turned around for me with a lot of trial and error. But, one day my drawing & painting art curriculum all came together. With an invitation to teach at a school with a hundred students all in different grades. I made the decision to give the same art lesson to all the students. By using the exact same curriculum. However, I gave them the same exact demonstration and isolated movement. So, I followed up with letting my students create what ever they wanted afterwards. Success!

The 5 Important Art Curriculum Things I Learned:
- Children need to learn isolated movements
- Children need easy 1 to 3 step instructions
- Children need to see a visual demonstration
- Each lesson should reinforce the last skill learned
- All foundational art skills can work for primary thu elementary grades
I have tested these curriculums with small to large groups of children of all ages. I now offer proper scaffold sequential organized art lessons in all areas. My curriculums focus on isolated foundational skills sets. I now offer my art curriculum I use every day in my studio to the public. Buy Art Curriculum Children | Painting & Drawing HERE.

You don’t have to figure all this out on your own, get overwhelmed, stressed, or go to fine art school, I created easy to follow curriculum you can purchase. Plus you don’t have to be an artist yourself to follow these lessons!
For a limited time you can order these sequential art curriculums.

Where to buy the best art curriculum, drawing & painting:
You know visual arts education is valuable, however you might not know where to even start—there’s no real painting curriculum laid out for teaching children painting – UNTIL NOW! When teaching art isn’t your strength, creating your own art curriculum can feel impossible to figure out because there’s a LOT to figure out…
- Which painting lesson to teach kids first
- The painting materials and tools you need
- How to present and demonstrate lessons
- And, if you are teaching the right sequence to help kids build practical art skills
Maybe you’ve wasted time setting up a painting workspace just to have it turn into a mess in minutes. Or you’ve wasted energy putting together art projects or trying to build your own painting curriculum that just end up in frustration. Or you’ve wasted money buying the ‘coolest’ and ‘best’ painting materials that don’t seem to interest your kids at all.
Order the best curriculum for children below:
- Drawing Curriculum For Elementary Grades
- Drawing Curriculum For 3-6 years
- (Early Childhood) Clay Modeling Curriculum For Children
- Painting Curriculum For Children
- Color Mixing Curriculum For Children
- DOWNLOAD FREE Color Mixing Art Lesson

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No part of this blog may be used or be reproduced in any manner whatsoever including reproducing, publishing, performing, and making any adaptions of the work – including translation into another foreign language without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Nature of Art® Publishing P.O. Box 443 Solana Beach, California 92075.