Do you dream of your child making beautiful artworks? Well I have some great news, you can design your own child’s art space with ease! Even if you’re in a small living space. The secret to a beautiful art space is really about giving kids the space and permission to work uninterrupted. Have you heard that mantra “If you build it…they will come”, well in this case it’s true! If you design an art making space well-organized they will create in it regularly. Let get started with – Design Kids Art Making Space – Home Organizing Tips
As an art studio designer, art teacher, and homeschool mom, I’ve had the opportunity to design many stimulating creative art spaces. Here’s what I need you to first understand, If you don’t have a book shelf filled with books you won’t raise readers. If you don’t have pens, papers or a dictionary handy, you won’t raise a writer either. And guess what? If you don’t have an art space with art supplies, you won’t raise an artist, so let’s talk about getting a space ready.

Home Space Features
So let’s take a look at the essentials kids art home organizing tips. In most of my books I share these six tips to setting up a kids art space.
- Table
- Chair
- Floor Covering
- Light Source
- Storage
- Sink

Here’s a brief description of each of these components. Now remember this comes from an experienced art teacher, not just a momma. 🙂
Table – all activities should take place on a flat surface.
Chair – a safe place to sit on while working.
Floor Covering – wherever you decide to place an art space, you’ll need to consider spills on the floor.
Light Source – For children to work with color they need a good source of light.
Art supply Storage – Art storage comes in many shapes ands sizes from baskets, jars, plastic bins, shelf, or art closet.
Sink – whether it’s a near by bathroom, kitchen, or studio sink to wash materials and hands.
Choose an art space location
You can design an art space in various places like a separate room, your child’s bedroom, the family living room, the backyard, a section in the basement, or even in the kitchen. For instance, I recall a homeschool mom who had a simple desk in her kitchen. When we visited for tea, I loved watching the kids create there while we chatted nearby. Over the years, my own children’s art spaces have changed around our home. Now, my 19-year-old daughter enjoys drawing and painting in her bedroom.
Setting up your art space
When organizing your art space, it’s important to have only the supplies your child is interested in at the moment. Let me give you an example to explain this. Once, my daughter loved sewing, so I had all the sewing supplies in her art area. Later, she switched to watercolor paints, so I only kept watercolor supplies there. My son was really into building 3D airplanes, Legos, and blocks, so we left those out in his art space during that time. Consider creating an art corner in your home. You can explore more about organizing art spaces in my art teaching books, which are available here!
You can also order my art teaching books, which goes more into art space set-ups here!

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No part of this blog may be used or be reproduced in any manner whatsoever including reproducing, publishing, performing, and making any adaptions of the work – including translation into another foreign language without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Nature of Art® Publishing P.O. Box 443 Solana Beach, California 92075.
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