How brushstrokes improves skill-sets
In this blog post, I want to share the 7 steps I give my students to help them master controlled brushstrokes. These lessons are easy to teach and engaging. kids love and enjoy practicing these brushstrokes. By implementing these 7 brushstroke lessons, you can significantly enhance your students painting abilities.
Intended Age Range: Suitable for students aged 5 – 15 years and older. Younger children who can sit for up to 20 minutes may also benefit from these lessons. Remember to maintain a fun and playful atmosphere for all students.
Below, you will find the materials list and setup details I recommend. By following these steps, you can enhance your students’ skill sets and guide them in creating controlled paint brush marks. I typically introduce lessons and then have them practice the exercises independently. This lesson serves as an excellent introduction to painting. Laying the foundation for more advance painting lessons.

Materials Needed:
- Large Paper: Opt for 11 x 17 inches or larger paper, preferably cream to white in color for clear visibility of brushstrokes.
- Paintbrush: Any paintbrush with a round tip will work well. Refer to a picture example for visual guidance.
- Paint: Choose from options like tempera, Chinese ink, acrylic, watercolor, or poster paint for this activity.
- Prepare Thin Paint: Create a thin wash of paint by diluting it to the consistency of creamy milk. Ensure the paint is fluid and runny; adjust thickness by adding more paint if needed.
- Color Selection: Opt for dark hues such as black, dark blue, green, or brown for optimal results.
- Small Jar for Paint: A small container, like a baby food jar, is ideal for holding the paint. Beginners can start with jars before progressing to a deep well artist palette for more advanced techniques.
- Napkins: Provide napkins for cleaning paintbrushes or resting them during the painting session.
Ensuring you have these materials ready will facilitate a smooth and enjoyable brushstroke lesson for your students.

7 Guided Brushstrokes
You can teach these in sequential order in daily lessons or all at one time.
1 Controlled Brushstroke Motion
- Demonstrate a sweeping brushstroke motion to the kids, emphasizing control without dragging or scrubbing. Start by showing the motion without paint and encourage students to practice initially without paint on their brushes.
2 Understanding “Loading”
- Introduce the concept of “loading” as filling the bristles with paint, indicating that the brush is now ready for use.
3 Demonstrating Loading
- Show the children how to load the paintbrush by dipping it into the paint jar.
4 Creating Medium-Length Strokes
- Guide them to make medium-length brushstrokes until the paint begins to run dry.

5 Making Wide Brushstrokes
- Instruct students to reload the brush and create wide brushstroke marks by applying firm pressure. Encourage them to practice this technique.
6 Thin Brushstrokes
- Demonstrate creating thin brushstrokes using the tip of the brush with light pressure after reloading it with paint.
7 Emphasizing Smooth Movements
- Emphasize the importance of smooth and controlled sweeping motions throughout the painting process.
Following these step-by-step instructions will assist children in effectively and enjoyably developing their brushstroke techniques. For a comprehensive exploration of this painting method, consider ordering my Kids Painting Curriculum, featuring 57 brushstroke lessons. Click here to discover more about this curriculum.

Build Kids Painting Skills
- Short
- Medium
- Thin
- Long
- Waves
- Dots
- Squares
- Circles
- Triangles
- Hearts
- Stars

Check out my Kids Painting Book:

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